Baby on a budget! What to buy NOW!


Baby on a budget! What to buy NOW!

Okay, so whether you been trying to conceive or well... you haven't... You and your mate (assuming you have told them already) have just found out that you're pregnant! CONGRATS or SURPRISE! (which ever way that goes!) 

Now What??

Well, lots of things come to mind... The first thing that comes to mind (after that OH 💩 moment!) is THE list of questions, like...
  1. What are we going to do?
  2. How are we going to tell our parents?
  3. Can we afford a baby right now?
I can't help you with #1 or #2 but #3 I can certainly offer some advice on! Now, don't get me wrong, babies CAN be expensive! However, you can prepare NOW! 

We all do research after we find out we're going to be parents. What to expect during pregnancy, birth, and after. But some of us forget to prepare! There are some things that you can buy now (yes, before you even know the baby's sex) that will make your life SO MUCH EASIER, and take a lot of stress off of you down the road!

What you can buy now!

Okay, I'm not saying drop everything and head out right this moment. You can do one or two things every paycheck (now is the time to start working some OVERTIME). You just found out you're pregnant, putting you about 1 month into it, so you have 9 months! Assuming you get paid every 2 weeks, that's 18 paychecks! If your little bun cooks that long! Some do and others don't

Well now that we got all of that out of the way... Let's get down and dirty!

  • Socks- 2 packs - your little bun is going to need warm feet!
  • Blankets- 2 thick blankets and 2 thin blankets - there are tons of adorable and gender neutral options out there
  • Onesies- 6 - Both short and long sleeved
  • Gowns- 6 - yes gowns, for boys or girls, they are awesome for the sleep deprived parent having to change nighttime diapers!
  • Crib Sheets - at least 2
  • Changing pad/  2 Covers
  • Burp cloths 12 (less if you do laundry often)
  • Diapers - Check out my post on Diapers here!
  • Wipes
  • Bottles-3
  • Breast Pump
  • Breast milk storage bags
Babies grow fast, it seems like overnight sometimes! So as a general "Rule of thumb" don't just limit yourself to just buying Newborn clothes and diapers! Odds are they won't be in them long, and they won't wear half of the clothes you bought them. If you're willing to be somewhat gender neutral the possibilities are endless! I know when I got pregnant with my first child I couldn't wait to start buying stuff!

Honestly, your biggest expense will be diapers. Do your research and find out if you're going to use disposable or cloth, ask friends and family work out the pros and cons! At the very least you should buy and stockpile diapers! If you have too many, most stores will let you trade in for a larger size! Do not, however, start with NB. If you're having a baby-shower I can almost guarantee that that's what the majority of people will buy you and if your baby is anything like mine were, they will only fit in them for a week. Maybe two!

Don't procrastinate, Research, Prepare!

While you're laying in bed with morning sickness. Research, do your homework. Get what you can now before the baby gets here so you don't have to stress later! You will thank yourself! (and so will your mate!😉😉)

Remember: "You make your own happiness, it doesn't come to you."


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