Decoding Mommy Language! A guide for women ready to conceive, are pregnant, just gave birth, and beyond!

Decoding Mommy Language!

A guide for women ready to conceive are pregnant, just gave birth, and beyond!

Hey, y'all welcome back to A Little Moore Family! Today we are going to talk about being a mom! whether you're trying to conceive, just found out you're pregnant (congrats!) just had your tiny human, or you have older children! No matter what point you're at, you are going to have questions! It's only normal, and hey we are only human! Now, if you are anything like me, if I have a question I turn to my good ol' buddy Google! Google is like that all knowing friend that you always go to for advice! Which is great until you get there and EVERYTHING looks like a foreign language!

Trying to conceive?

Okay, so your and your mate have decided to be parents! What an exciting journey for you both! Sooo, now what? Well, like some you might just go off of your preferred birth control method and let nature take its course! I did, but maybe like me, after a month of waiting, wondering, and then heartbreak, you decide that you are going to get a little more involved with the baby making process. Then, you turn to the internet and start researching! While researching you might hit Acronyms and Abbreviations that make an article make no sense what so ever and make you sit, wonder, and say WTH does that mean? Well, my friend, I am here to help! Here are some common and important terms acronyms and abbreviations you NEED to know to decode your research!

  • TTC - Trying to conceive
  • AF - Aunt Flo (menstrual period)
  • BC/BCPS - Birth control/ Birth control pills
  • BD/DTD - Baby Dance/ Doing the Deed (sex)
  • BBT - Basal Body Temp.
  • LP - Luteal phase
  • HTP - Home pregnancy test
  • POAS - Pee on a Stick
  • BFP/BFN - Big Fat Positive/Negative
  • PG - Pregnant
  • MS - morning sickness
  • IC - Incompetent cervix
  • CF - Cervical Fluid
  • CM - Cervical mucus
  • EWCM - Egg White Cervical Mucus
  • O - Ovulation
  • DPO - Days past ovulation
  • CD - Cycle day
  • OPK - Ovulapredictorctior kit
  • FTM - First-time mom
  • EDD - Estimated Due Date
  • IUI- Intrauterine Insemination
  • IVF - In Vitro Fertilization 
  • RE - Reproductive Endocrinologist
  • SD - Sperm Donor
  • MC - miscarriage


Congrats Momma! Whether it was a surprise or you finally got your BFP ( see list above! 😉) You too, like my TTC Momma to be above ↑ have questions, especially if you are a FTM! Like her you're going to make Google your best friend! Among the list above, there are a few more Acronyms that you are going to need to know to make your life easier, research wise! 

Here we go...

  • BM - Breast milk / Bowel movement
  • Circ. - Circumcise
  • US - ultrasound
  • CS - Cesarean Section
  • VBAC - Vaginal Birth after Cesarean
  • SO - Significant other
  • DH - Dear Husband
  • DW - Dear Wife
  • LO - Little One
  • DP - Dear Partner
  • DF - Dear Fiancee
  • DD - Dear Daughter
  • DS - Dear Son
  • DuH/ DuW - Dumb Husband/Wife
  • EBF - exclusively breast feeding
  • FF - Formula feeding
  • MM - Mothers Milk
  • L&D - Labor and Delivery

Did you just have your little Bun?

First Off, YAY! Your LO is finally here!! Nothing is more important than this moment! Time flies so please enjoy every moment with your precious little gift!💜 While researching you aren't going to come across as many relevant acronyms but there are some that you are going to need to know! Among the listed above you have:

  • AP - Attachment Parenting
  • BC - Before Children
  • BLW - Baby-led Weaning
  • CIO - Cry it out
  • DC - Day Care
  • EBM - Expressed breast milk
  • ML - Maternity leave
  • WAH - Work at home

Just Mom!

As for the veteran momma's out there. The been there done that, on my third child and mommin' like a boss type. Feel free to get on the good ol' message boards you used to roam back when you were a new mom and give your tips, advice, and experiences! Chances are there is a parent that is going through some of those same things and need some support! Parenting isn't easy, and while there isn't a "handbook" we do have each other, and that my friend is an amazing resource! Remember NO ONE is perfect, and our babies aren't looking for or expecting perfect! They just want a happy mommy and Love!

Remember: "You make your own happiness, it doesn't come to you."


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