
Showing posts from September, 2017

Decoding Mommy Language! A guide for women ready to conceive, are pregnant, just gave birth, and beyond!

Decoding Mommy Language! A guide for women ready to conceive are pregnant, just gave birth, and beyond! Hey, y'all welcome back to A Little Moore Family! Today we are going to talk about being a mom! whether you're trying to conceive, just found out you're pregnant (congrats!) just had your tiny human, or you have older children! No matter what point you're at, you are going to have questions! It's only normal, and hey we are only human! Now, if you are anything like me, if I have a question I turn to my good ol' buddy Google! Google is like that all knowing friend that you always go to for advice! Which is great until you get there and EVERYTHING looks like a foreign language! Trying to conceive? Okay, so your and your mate have decided to be parents! What an exciting journey for you both! Sooo, now what? Well, like some you might just go off of your preferred birth control method and let nature take its course! I did, but maybe like me, af